Brad Rickard – The Bank Cafe

TGC Case Study - Brad Rickard

How Brad Rickard became time-rich through systemising his businesses with the help of The Game Changers

Brad Rickard owns three businesses and has been in a growth spurt ever since. This being the case, Brad has been time-poor before joining the Opulence Program. He found himself tied up to his businesses with all of it running his life instead of the other way around.

With the guidance of The Game Changers, Brad turned his and his partner's life around by instigating changes in how they conduct their businesses. He found the diversity of business owners in the community a firm support in his own journey as an entrepreneur.

Brad has always known where he wanted to go and how he wanted his life to be and through the Opulence Program, he has been able to systemise his businesses and make bite-sized plans to attain his goals and reach his fullest potential.


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