How To Poach-proof your Staff Members

Have you ever lost good staff for – seemingly – no good reason?

You spend years training them. They grow with the business. They become almost indispensable. And then… whoosh. They’re gone. 

And it sucks. 

I’ve spent a long time building my family of A-player staff. 

So much that others are starting to notice my team… 

…and try to poach them!

I’m serious. We often have other business owners try to lure our sales people away. They’ll actually book a call just to pitch them a job offer. 😂

It actually happened again last week. Someone rang up my amazing Integrator and offered her big bucks to jump ship. 

But there’s actually not any concern for me about any of my team going somewhere else for more money.


Because what we have from a culture and values perspective is far more rewarding than just money. (Don’t get me wrong – my team are looked after financially as well!)

But I know that a lot of businesses out there cannot say the same.

Think about it – if a competitor offered your best performing team member a 20% salary increase… would they take it and leave your organisation?

Or would they choose to stay with you, because they absolutely love their job and being part of your business?

Employees want more than just money. They want to feel heard and appreciated. They want to be challenged and experience growth. They want to be part of something they believe in. 

That’s why your vision, mission, and values are SO important. 

I don’t care whether your business is selling ice cream, fixing cars, running a media empire, or grooming moody Pomeranians. The best performing businesses don’t just have their company vision and mission on a wall…it’s actually alive in their business.


That makes all the difference in making your staff want to stick around.

If you want to learn how to create a vision, mission, and values that attracts the right staff (and makes them want to stay), I show you how in my book The Path to Freedom. 

We also coach our Opulence members through creating theirs with weekly sessions where everyone gets the help they need.

If you’re looking for guidance to create a company culture that is so strong, your best staff won’t leave (even if they have more money thrown at them), we can help you create it.

paper writings

It’s a no-pressure chat to tell you a bit about what we do, and see if we’re a good fit (we’re very picky about who we work with. 





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