Do You Want to Know the Secret to Having More Time?

Do you ever feel rushed? Or bored? Perhaps you oscillate between the two?

It is likely you have unconsciously created a world in which you are a prisoner of time?


Here is a way to shift your relationship to time so you can experience true abundance!

The secret is the relationship you have with time. You have the capacity to create time. It simply takes a perspective shift and practice! We will get to that in a moment.

First, I want you to take this from an intellectual process of reading, analysing, and judging to an experiential one.

Take a moment to close your eyes and remember a time when you felt rushed/late/pressured due to time. Describe how that feels in your body:

  •    Is it a nice feeling or a heavy feeling?
  •    Do you feel expansive or contracted?
  •    Can you isolate any specific feelings in your body?
  •    Is this a feeling you would like more of?

Now, shake it off: Imagine a giant spider dressed as Elvis singing Blue Suede Shoes!

Ok good, now close your eyes again and remember a time when you were totally and utterly bored senseless. Describe how that feels in your body:

  •    Is it a nice feeling or a heavy feeling?
  •    Do you feel expansive or contracted?
  •    Can you isolate any specific feelings in your body?
  •    Is this a feeling you would like more of?

If you currently experience these sensations more than you would like, you are at the effect of time. The duality of these two extremes of time have the same impact: They CREATE anxiety, stress and disempowerment and thus create a vicious cycle of time scarcity.



I am not suggesting that you have the power to fit twelve one hour meetings into an eight-hour period of clock time. Please let go of your analytical mind's attempt to dismiss this opportunity to take full ownership of all aspects of your life. This is not meant to be a literal examination of the number of seconds, minutes and hours in a day.

What I am suggesting is that when you take complete ownership of every decision you are making with respect to time, you become the master of it rather than the slave to it.




You must switch your perspective to an abundance mindset: to one where you know that you have more than enough time. You must look inwards to create the life that you want, and must start changing your relationship with time. You must take full ownership of what you do with your time, and look at the choices you make.


We have much more influence and power than we allow ourselves to believe. When we take complete ownership of what it is we do, we cease to be at the effect of time.




Whenever you notice yourself saying things like:

  1. Sorry, I don't have time for that today;
  2. I haven't had time to get that task completed; or
  3. I am late because the traffic was so bad.

You aren't taking full ownership of the choices you made. More honest responses would be:

  1. I don't want to do that today;
  2. That task didn't get completed as it wasn't as important to me as something else;
  3. I am late as I didn't allow enough time for all the potential eventualities of my trip to work.

Again, I am not suggesting you start responding so literally as version two however if you begin the practice of moving towards an internal dialogue that more closely resembles version two, I guarantee you will begin to experience dramatic increases in time abundance.


With this practice, you will begin to:

  •       Experience decreased levels of stress and anxiety;
  •       Spend less time feeling rushed and/or bored;
  •       Feel more energised and empowered;
  •       Improve your efficiency and effectiveness allowing you to get more done in less       time; and
  •       Improve your overall experience of life.


Step number one is to commit to a time detox. For the next week, be acutely aware of any occasion you are tempted to use language that puts you at the effect of time.

Do Not Speak Those Words!

Instead, celebrate the opportunity to make a different and more powerful decision, then practice taking a higher level of responsibility for the choice(s) that created the experience you are having.

If you do allow the old language to escape your body before you notice them; retract them immediately and practice using more powerful language that moves you closer to ownership.

Please share how you go with this challenge in the comments below and let me know if you would like to know more!

Have you noticed your own beliefs pop up around time? Perhaps they have been sitting around and limiting you unknowingly for a while? Don't you think it's time to create change and enable your success with greater ease? If this is you, we acknowledge you for taking the first step, and recognising where you are right now.

By Chris Wightwick

The next step for you is booking your complimentary 15-minute Simplify, Scale and Grow Session to learn the next steps for your journey and business success.

Founded by Barry Magliarditi, The Game Changers are Australia's leading Business Coaching Firm.  We provide high quality coaching, education and consulting to business owners seeking sustainable growth. Change the Game and book in your Free 15-minute Grow, Scale & Succeed Session here or send us a message at




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