The Ultimate Mindset Hack For Building Massive Momentum

"Oh, I'll just do it myself."

How many times have you said that in your business?

It can seem easier to jump in and get on the tools yourself to get a job done quick (and done right!)...

But every time you do a micro task yourself it's costing you money.

And it's costing you something even more important: momentum.

Momentum is created by your ability to leverage your time and energy effectively.

But when you keep doing the small tasks in the day-to-day, you give both your time and your energy away to small stuff that keeps you stuck at your current level of growth.

If you've been feeling like you're living your own Groundhog day…

...unable to scale your business because you're always so BUSY…

Let me tell you a simple mindset shift that changes everything.

Basically, instead of asking 'how' to get stuff done, you need to start asking 'who' can you get to do it for you.

This might seem simple… but that doesn't mean it's easy!

As business owners it's really tempting to jump in and lend a hand when needed. A hairdressing salon owner will pick up the scissors. A trades business owner will jump on the tools.

Why? Because it's easy. When faced with a challenge, the path of least resistance is to just do it ourselves. But instead you should be instructing someone else to do it, stepping back to let them do it (even if they fumble it), and then training them to improve.

Because until your team is empowered to operate without your constant help, you'll always be wearing the firefighter's hat instead of the CEO hat.

So instead of jumping in to solve problems in your business, you need to start thinking about how you can get others to solve problems for you.

Got a sales problem? You need a sales manager.
Got a marketing problem? You need a marketing manager.
Team scheduling doing your head in? You need an operations manager.

Now I'm not suggesting that all of these roles are easy (or cheap) to hire for.

But money isn't the only way to get a deal done.

There are loads of ways to leverage value without it. Think about this - what superskills do you have that someone else would find valuable?

And how can you create a win-win bartering situation to get what you need?

Your superpower is someone else's kryptonite.

Some of the best deals I've made have been service swaps with other business owners who needed what I offered, just as I needed what they offered.

Bottom line -

You're the head of the business. So stop focusing on putting out little fires, and start thinking about leveraging more value from the resources around you.

And if you want help training your team to operate without you, we're here to help. The Opulence System™ has helped 100s of business owners take off their fireman's hat for good.

Book a 20-minute complimentary call to see if the program is right for you.

Choose a convenient time to talk here.



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