7 Biggest Mistakes in not Hiring a Coach

Do you believe that reaching out to someone or asking for help in order to achieve your goal is a sign of weakness or somehow is indicating that you're not "good enough"?

Mistake #1 - Having the "Lone Ranger" Approach to life

The mistake here is believing that the best way or the only way to set out and achieve your goals is to do it all by yourself.  Do you believe that reaching out to someone or asking for help in order to achieve your goal is a sign of weakness or somehow is indicating that you're not "good enough"?

Well, we are here to tell you that you are good enough! Even more than that, greatness is acknowledging where you are at and noticing that you want to change, move forward or achieve that goal that has been on your New Year's list for the last five years.  Of all mentioned here, let me assure you that those who seek out coaching are actually the bright, intelligent, strong and capable individuals who have chosen coaching for accelerating their progress or achieving their goals quickly so that they are on their way to setting another goal and the next and the next after that!!

A coach will create space for self discovery and allow you to identify and prioritise your goals. They will also allow you to foresee roadblocks and navigate to stay on course!  Likewise, they will also assist you when working through the unexpected hiccups or bumps that will inevitably occur so that you are back on the smooth road headed for success!

Mistake #2 - Settling for Good instead of going after Great

If you take a look at your life right now, not just business, all areas of life and can sum it up into a few short words "Everything is going pretty well, it's all good!" - Congratulations! This is indication that you are making some good decisions and following your heart or intuition, looking in the right places for good opportunities and following through to create good results.

Question: Why are you settling for just good? If you are the kind of person that can set your goals on good, you're cutting yourself short of the opportunity to stretch yourself and go beyond that to Great!  Would you settle for black and white if you could go for colour? Or technicolour and 3D? At some point in time you made the choice to settle for good to play it safe and stay within your comfort zone. Well, I'm here to tell you that your comfort zone is too familiar, too safe and it's time to lift the veil and step out!

Working with a Coach allows you to experience in the world beyond the edge of your comfort zone, throw around ideas, create new opportunities that you never thought possible and allow yourself to start experiencing Great in your life! Coaching allows you to experience Great in business and in your whole life. By exploring with limitless potential, you can create positive changes in all aspects of your life if you choose to.

For you, that might be in business, your relationships or health and wellbeing, perhaps your productivity or time management or maybe even managing or leading teams.  Wherever you are at, Coaching allows you to find exactly where you are and move to a place which allows you to revitalise your enthusiasm for work and life, create balance, get on path for your Greatness!

Mistake #3 - Telling yourself that you can't afford one or the timing isn't right

Let's face it, when has the timing ever felt right. It's easy to sit around waiting or even hoping for that one shining moment, where you'll get a tap on the shoulder and be told "Now is the perfect time to go forth.. Now is time to decide! You finally can afford it your Coach" It simply doesn't happen.

And if it did, having "perfect" all the time would become boring and no sooner would you have it, you would be out seeking out challenge or creating variety - potentially in unresourceful fashion.

I am here to tell you that You happen to life and You are the creator of your world. Things will always be busy and you will always feel overcommitted. This is the nature of the beast and it is quite possibly why you are currently getting the results that you are.  When you decide to make a change, take action toward or move towards what you want, you are happening to life!  A coach guides you on the path of self discovery.  Even more so, working with a coach allows you to explore making bigger or better decisions that have greater meaning and move you forward with deliberation.

Have you ever realised that it's only when you have made a decision that things around you change and shift? That's the shift that occurs when you break out of re-occurring behaviours or old patterns and say no to the same thoughts running round in your head and Yes to something else. A coach can guide you as you make this transition to coming from affect.

Mistake #4 Believing that you have to work hard to achieve your goals

Do you have all those big goals or dreams written down on a long list, left unfulfilled because you believe that it will take more work, more energy or more time than you can fit in your busy schedule?  When you hire a coach, you take the opportunity to take a bird's eye view on all that's going on in your world and and can start to get crystal clear on what it is that you want.  What happens from there is that you actually find better ways to get what you want and find a clearer path to get there. You simply become more efficient and you'll find that you actually regain openings in your schedule.

Being coached enables you to do more because you are focused on what you want and you have an action plan of what you are going to do, when, with whom so that you can lead with a deeper understanding or knowing of the big 'why' behind your actions. Through taking action over and over, you move forward and keep choosing to take action, even when the going gets hard and the challenges arise as as you are deeply connected with your purpose and core drivers.

Does it sound like getting a Coach is too good to be true? Well unlike most things that are too good to be true (and usually are), hiring a coach is the simple means of creating all that you want, simply, effectively and with greater purpose and gratitude!

Mistake #5 Blaming the external factors for why you are not achieving what you want or waiting for things to 'change' so that you can get what you want

Are you busy wishing things were different, people were different or things hadn't happened the way that they had?  Feeling sorry for yourself or waiting for that "something" or "someone" to change to make your circumstances better? Things would be better if other people were easier to get along with, more positive, more successful, more trustworthy or were more focused on your needs and wants, right? Incorrect!  It is easy to get caught up in the external factors and believe that they are responsible for what's not working in your life, but if you're waiting for things to just change so that you can get what you want, then you are going to be waiting around for a long time! And you'll be frustrated, believe me, I've seen it a million times!

The common thread with the above paragraph is that every point is completely out of your control - each are external to you. You only have control of you - that includes your thoughts, feelings, actions and behaviours.  You have the choice to take control and choose the direction of the experience you want to have now, to choose how you show up for your life. It is a fact that as soon as you decide to change your experience and commit to a new decision, i.e. to be more accepting of others, then things around you will shift and move you into the direction of the experience that you want.  A coach allows you to step into that space more readily, take control, make better choices and stay committed to those decisions even when the going gets hard, and it will. But you'll feel armed and capable so it will pass.

Mistake #6 Hiring a coach that hasn't been there and experienced the results you are looking for for themselves

So you have made the decision to hire a Coach and you are out on the market, searching around, having strategic conversations and sussing out the connection you form with potential Coaches because you know that if you are going to excel, you are going to have to let the guard down, be vulnerable and dig around in all the areas you haven't been for a while to truly unlock your potential.

Trust your gut, follow your instincts and be sure to use each touch point with your future Coach as an opportunity to explore what they have achieved for themselves in business and in life.  The reason for hiring a Coach is that you want to be coached on aspects of life or want to achieve something that you are yet to achieve! The Coach you hire must have achieved those results for themselves before - maybe once, twice or numerous times.

Through achieving results we make mistakes and learn lessons for next time, we create a strategy that is the simplest and most effective and we also move into a zone where we no longer are reacting, we are responding as the peaks and troughs are predictable along the way.  A Coach that has set out and achieved the results that you are looking for will be able to hold the space for you every step along the journey and assist you with navigating the road ahead.  There are methods in the madness and these methods or strategies can only truly be learnt in action so do yourself a favour and hire a Coach that has experienced the results that you are looking for themselves!

Mistake #7 Wasting your time and money on things that are ultimately not getting you the results that you want to achieve

There are many hundreds of tasks and activities that you could be spending your time on right now.  In fact, there are millions of shining things that are shining like bright opportunities, all around you and you could invite each and every single one in to attract your attention. Would they all get you what you want?

Do you have hard earned money that you've thought to spend or are currently spending on what's not getting you results? Or do you have a self help book shelf including audios, training or courses that you're "collecting" and hoping will help you one day get to where you want to go.. (just by sitting there in their straight rows on the shelf?)

Please don't take this the the wrong way - we are big believers in learning and spending your hard earned dollars on self education.  In fact, learning is the only way to continue to grow and propel yourself forward, however, just reading a book, ordering an audio set or learning at a course doesn't equate to learning.  To have truly learned requires action.  Just "learning" doesn't equate to results.  Results are generated from taking constant and consistent action, week upon week towards your goals.  A coach will hold a space for you that doesn't allow room for excuses, self-judgement, laziness or avoidance.  You might not like it at the time, but when you grow through it, trust us, you'll be thankful when you've achieved your goals (and gone beyond) in less time with more ease.

Feeling more self assured about your journey toward hiring a Coach for your life and business? Why don't you book your session with The Game Changers to see how we can take You and Your life to the next level?  Founded by Barry Magliarditi, The Game Changers are Australia's leading Business Coaching Firm.  We provide high quality coaching, education and consulting to business owners seeking sustainable growth. Change the Game and book in your Free 15-minute Grow, Scale & Succeed Session here or send us a message at action@the-game-changers.com.au.




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