Make Sense of your Thoughts and Change your State!

It's incredible to see just how many thoughts a human can have over 48-hours.

If you have a notebook full of thoughts, feelings, "I wish I.." and "if only's" it's no surprise, you are human!

It's incredible to see just how many thoughts a human can have over 48-hours. Did you know that a human brain can have as many as 60,000 - 80,000 thoughts in one waking hour? What if a quarter of those were actually abrasive for your emotions, feelings and behaviours and were previously unconscious to you?

And if that was true for you, it might also be true that those unconscious thoughts were also unhelpful noise, unsupportive or simply keeping you moving in circles around yourself! These become unhelpful in assisting you to break out, you simply just remain stuck in the emotion. What if there was more to it? As you'll read below, there are tools that are useful in assisting you to move through and break out.

Do you recall the last phone call that you had with a happy customer, or made a successful decision that lead to great results? It might even be raving fans in the office or on the homefront!  If you drop into that for a moment, can you recall now the feeling that you felt when you were there having that experience? The great feedback that the customer or client gave you? Do you remember the good feelings that flooded your body, the smile that washed over your face and body and your inner voice saying to you "You've got this.. You can achieve all that you set out to do and more…" or "This worked out perfectly, I am so happy I made that decision..!"

As you may have noticed during the past three minutes or so, a state change can be interruptive and can also be very helpful. When we bring our attention to a really positive situation or experience, we experience a state change - not only our thoughts and feelings but our physiology too.  The extent of change is different from human to human however the essence remains the same - there is a change in state.

Let us now use a similar exercise in a different way.  Choose a dull, frustrating or annoying situation that might be occurring to you right now or may have occurred in the past week and find a state that you might choose to change. Got one? Great. Take a moment and load the experience or situation up fully, where are you and what are you doing, who are you talking to or who is around you? What are you hearing, feeling, seeing, remember what you were telling yourself. Just think about how off you really felt, deep down inside. Now ask yourself the following questions:

What is the positive intended outcome of this situation? Run the scene through again and see the situation as if it were there to serve you or offer you something different, something else that you had not seen before.  Use your imagination, what could be a positive takeaway from this situation?

What is the vital and perfect lesson for me to learned to evolve and grow into who I need to be? Again, run through and notice what you have learnt and maybe also notice what others in the situation also have learnt.  Notice that in looking for the learning, you are stretching yourself to grow.

If I were faced with a similar situation or experience, what actions could I now take to see an improved outcome or result? There is always a small 'one degree' adjustment, a minor realignment that can be implemented in any situation. It's up to you to trust in the process and and look for the learning - it is for certain that you will find what you are looking for.

Your final step is to make an offer of forgiveness and gratitude! At times it may feel challenging and difficult to do however it is in forgiveness of self or other selves that we move on freer and open to what is ahead of us. We seemingly resolve or lessen the burden of emotion that could have weighed us down.  In doing so, we also restore our well being in a way that has lasting affects on your emotional and physical body. In the expression of gratitude, we are grateful for the lessons and learnings we teach ourselves and impart on those around us.  Forgiveness and Gratitude take practice and a daily ritual can really assist in deepen our gratitude over time. Gratitude is truly a recipe for greatness.  And, in knowing it's a long term game, a journey of growth, what will you choose to do differently to set your vehicle on course? If you're looking for a deeper sense of understanding of your thoughts and state in life and business then make the shift now.

Operating at your absolute peak in business and life comes when you are in your peak operating state.  It's not only about finding your peak state, it's about managing your state so that you get the most out of yourself and those around you consistently.  If you are curious to shift your state efficiently and effectively, click here for your complimentary 'Scale, Succeed and Grow Session' or send us an email at


Barry Magliarditi is the Founder & CEO of Australia's leading coaching and consulting company The Game Changers, whose focus is on providing high quality coaching, education and consulting to businesses seeking stable, sustainable and profitable growth. Barry has experience coaching small to large companies; such as Yellow Brick Road and Businesses at The Entourage; he is an expert at Scaling Business by 6,7 and 8 figures with Simplicity. Contact us if you're curious to learn more now.




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