Make Drinking Lemonade your Mission!

CSJ Lemonade is as a fundraising initiative for Motor Neuron Disease, a disease that unfortunately affected Claudia's father.

Claudia is the co-founder of CSJ Lemonade, an idea born from her 11-year old daughter wanting to make a difference in a big way.

CSJ Lemonade is as a fundraising initiative for Motor Neuron Disease, a disease that unfortunately affected Claudia's father.  Driven from the heart to raise awareness and money to find a cure, Claudia, and her family started selling lemonade, with no prior business knowledge, at a stand in their local market.

The business was moving and they were learning, however Claudia noticed that she was having fears emerge around her success and the success of the business. She realised that as the custodian of her daughter's business, her behaviour and fears would carry on through her down to her daughter. Taking a stand for her daughter and the great cause they were chasing, Claudia knew she had a big enough reason to step up and face her fears head on.

Claudia decided to work on her internal mindset and her fears in order to grow and change and allow the business to grow and succeed. She also knew that she couldn't do it alone! Claudia sought assistance from The Game Changers, and now Claudia's story has unravelled and is a remarkable narrative of going from strength to strength.


Another key lesson for Claudia was her realisation that doing one small step at a time in the right direction gets results!

Focusing on starting from the inside, her inner game, Claudia has grown from the inside out, and now she has a little encouraging voice speak from her shoulder to say "You are imperfectly perfect." She now hears an encouraging voice from inside telling her it's totally ok to let her personal flare come across when communicating be it in emails or interviews.

Another key lesson for Claudia was her realisation that doing one small step at a time in the right direction gets results!  She learned that "biting off a little bit at a time" allowed her to succeed without overwhelm and achieve more over time.

Amongst her many other lessons and personal change, Claudia just can't speak highly enough of going out and working on your "internals" in order to create the change that you wish to see in yourself and to create the experiences you wish to have in your own world.  She created many opportunities within the business for the family and continues to see the world now from an entirely different lense.

The sky is truly the limit for CSJ Lemonade, and its plight to cure MND. We at The Game Changers love being on this journey with Claudia and have no doubt that you'll be seeing CSJ Lemonade on the shop shelves soon!

Have you noticed your own self limiting beliefs pop up? Or have they been sitting around for a while? Don't you think it's time to create change and enable your success with greater ease? If this is you, we acknowledge you for taking the first step, and recognising where you are, this is your present state.

The next for you is booking your complimentary 15-minute Simplify, Scale and Grow Session to learn the next steps for your journey and success.  Founded by Barry Magliarditi, The Game Changers are Australia's leading Business Coaching Firm.  We provide high quality coaching, education and consulting to business owners seeking sustainable growth. Change the Game and book in your Free 15-minute Grow, Scale & Succeed Session here or send us a message at




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CSJ Lemonade is as a fundraising initiative for Motor Neuron Disease, a disease that unfortunately affected Claudia’s father. Claudia is the co-founder of CSJ Lemonade,