Be the King of Your Classroom

"Dad I just can't do it, I'm just not good enough at maths.."

Four weeks ago, I found that my son Zave was seriously struggling in his maths class. Zave was scoring less than Twenty Percent on his maths challenges when other kids were getting around seventy-five.

He was beginning to lose his self-confidence and his teachers were getting really worried about him.  As a Father. I knew I had to do something about it.

I sat with Zave while he tried to work through a maths problem at home, he looked at the question and then back up at me and said;

"Dad I just can't do it, I'm just not good enough at maths.."

It was then that I understood Zaves 'problem' - it was nothing to do with his maths, he just needed a helping hand on his mindset - something very familiar to us at The Game Changers. Four weeks later, I picked Zave up from school. He ran and jumped into the car, beaming and sparkly eyed.  "Dad guess what…." "What?!" I smiled back eagerly, knowing very well that today was the day of the week that the Maths Test scores were returned to students.

"I got one hundred percent in my maths test this week".

In just four weeks my son Zave had became the king of his classroom when it came to Maths!  Zave perceived his 'problem' to be:

  • Zave had been focusing on his struggles rather than on his strengths
  • He had framed the tests & results in a way that made them negative (not positive)
  • The negative frame had meant that the experience was uncomfortable and consequently - he became disheartened and he stopped trying believing that there was no point… he wasn't good enough.

This is such a common pattern in human behaviour and in fact, if you look hard enough and watch your thoughts over a day - you might find something that you've not attempted yet or won't consider even trying because you are not good enough!

True mastery begins when we start raising these thoughts to the conscious level, watching them through and rationalizing them to the extent that they no longer hold you back from what needs to be done to keep you moving forward or growing.

For example, If you're not attracted to water skiing because you don't think your balance is good enough, then that may be a stand alone thing.  However, if you haven't recruited an employee or contractor because you don't think your people management or leadership skills are good enough then you potentially have a sticky point.  This would also would indicate that your beliefs are limiting your progress and growth in that area.

Where our attention goes, our energy flows and this leads further creation of thoughts, feelings, emotions and potentially larger pain points, blockages or failed attempts in this case.

What I'd like you to do for the next 48-hours is set a challenge for yourself.  Grab a pen and a notebook and decide that no matter what is floating through your mind or what you may or may not be telling yourself, you are going to spend the next 48-hours watching your thoughts, noticing if they are useful to you and jotting them down.  When you notice a thought, write down and then ask yourself, is this thought or feeling supportive of me, those around me, or my progress forward personally and professionally? Write down anything here that comes to mind and then simply move on, back to life!

Are you aware of what unconscious thoughts and feelings you are having that are not supporting you right now? What's the beliefs might you have in place that are stopping you from moving forward on a critical decision in our business or life? What  do you need to do right now to start shifting your thoughts from where they are to where they need to be!

Transition yourself and your business from the bottom to King of the leaders board in your classroom with The Game Changers.  Start putting your focus and energy where it needs to be to achieve stable and sustainable growth by clicking here to book your complimentary "Game Changer Session" or send us an email at

Barry Magliarditi is the Founder & CEO of Australia's leading coaching and consulting company The Game Changers, who focus on providing high quality coaching, education and consulting to businesses seeking stable, sustainable and profitable growth. Barry has experience coaching small to large companies; such as Yellow Brick Road and Businesses at The Entourage; he is an expert at Scaling Business by 6, 7 and 8-figures with Simplicity.





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