How Can the Right Money Mindset Help You Attract Wealth?

Business Mindset

Does Money Matter?

Should money be the most important thing in your life? "Absolutely not!" shouts Barry Magliarditi from The Game Changers. However, Money is more than food, shelter, and family vacations. "Money means choices and time freedom." Money is not the most important thing.

  • Family
  • Health
  • Leisure and Travel
  • Supporting a cause
  • Serving Your larger Vision or Purpose in Life.

In short, money does matter, as money allows you to do what you do. Money is not the long-term goal. Money is what helps you attain your goals every step of the way.

What Money Mindset is at the Heart of the Matter?

Of all Barry knows to be true around the 'money mindset' is at our heart we need to be seated in gratitude first for all that we have. Once we can move into deep gratitude for all that we have, we can move from present state to fostering beliefs that support wealth creation or creating new beliefs that open opportunities for thinking about wealth in new ways. We can also choose to start seeing money as a tool, or a means of creating what we need and want and also providing that to others; such as stability in health, family, leisure, and/or greater community-building endeavours.

Start with a person who you believe is wealthy, happy and fulfilled and take a look at their model for attaining wealth. You'll be surprised at how much their mindset has influenced their wealth creation and happiness as a whole.

Does My Tax Bracket Matter?

Whether you're struggling to make rent this month or refinancing a third investment property, how we think about money is what opens up new opportunities to grow our wealth - at any base income level.

The key to finding and seizing money-making opportunities is simple: contextualise your assets. Barry says, ask yourself, do you have running water? A bed? A car? An ambitious disposition? These are all useful assets. The sooner you realise that they are assets and look at those assets with an attitude of gratitude, the sooner you'll be able to unlock the potential that all of those assets hold for attracting wealth for yourself and those around you.

Do My Beliefs Matter?

Once you've taken stock of what you have at your disposal, you need to put your assets to work. Deep-seated beliefs are what govern our lives, our decisions, and, most relevantly, how we attain and use money.

If you're stuck in the mindset that money is the ultimate goal, rather than how money can provide for your true priorities, you will develop blocks to financial achievement. Similarly, if you began forming beliefs around money in an environment where wealthy people were considered bad or the enemy, that mindset will continue into adulthood and your financial life.

If you were taught that rich men were bad men, when you were forming beliefs, you will do everything you can to avoid becoming a rich man. If that sounds preposterous, think more closely about your choices when you do have an expendable income. How do you use it? Do you ever feel guilty about having an expendable income? Do you spend it knowing that money will continue to flow abundantly or do you save it for a rainy day?

Are you curious to know more about your Money mindset? Or uncover what's really going on in your heart around gratitude? Barry Magliarditi is the founder of Australia's leading Coaching Business The Game Changers, which focusses on providing high quality coaching, education and consulting to businesses seeking stable, sustainable and profitable growth. Barry's adaptable style has seen him coach small to large companies; such as Yellow Brick Road and Businesses at The Entourage. He is an expert at Scaling Business by 6, 7 and 8 figures with simplicity.

If you're curious to know more CLICK HERE to book your complimentary 'Scale, Succeed and Grow Session' or they can be reached via email




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