How the design of your office can change your business game!

Rock-climbing walls, nap rooms, and slides… They're all the rage at the office for the biggest companies in the world and perhaps we could all stand to take note from them.

The design for our offices should always be a celebration of our vision and represent our mission. When building anything in life, it is important to start with a strong foundation, and in building a strong work culture, that foundation begins with the office itself.

And if slides don't excite you, they have fireman's poles too. Stairs are so yesterday Google! Of course, Google does have offices which are built up over numerous floors - whereas you might only have a small office on a single floor - but that doesn't mean you can't bring in stylish decoration to boost productivity amongst your staff and work towards establishing some kick-ass work culture.

For small businesses, the design of the office should focus on things that allow the employees to feel as though they are an integral part of the business and the team. It should be a way for the employee to see that they are valued. This in turn, encourages loyalty, productivity, and will ensure that you're getting the best out of your employees.

The average person will spend about as much time at the office as they do at home, so the overall feel and vibe of the office will be paramount to their overall mood.

1. Introduce a 'Weekly Win' or Photo wall

Something as small as a photo wall for the staff will be a great morale boost. Posting pictures from memorable events and team activities will serve as a visual reminder for what the company has achieved and might just turn a frown upside down.. particularly on one of those really busy, hectic days!

2. Involve your staff in the thought process

When it comes to bringing in exciting elements for the benefit of your staff, who better to ask for advice than the staff themselves. Involving your team makes them feel valued and feel as though their voice and thoughts are important to the team as a whole. Everyone needs to be on the journey no matter their role!

What would be in your dream office?

3. Do it all together

Ben Brecker had his staff re-decorate the office with over 8000 post-it notes for his design agency office. It took them days, but the overall result was that the entire team enjoyed it and had a tangible team building experience that amounted to something they could all share and enjoy every day.

4. Change it up

Even the most awesome designs can grow stale over time. That's okay - nothing is permanent! You can always tear part or all of it all down and start again once in awhile! As your business grows and develops over time it is important for your workspace to reflect the growth and change. Things do change, and change is not something feared but to be embraced and celebrated!

What does your office say about you and your business? Does it inspire and fuel your vision? If not - maybe it's time to get creative and change the game in your business, starting with the office…!

Let The Game Changers assist you with simplifying and systemising your business so that you are ready for scaling and growth in 2017.

Barry Magliarditi and The Game Changers Team




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