How to stop Impostor Syndrome from affecting your business

Do you ever feel like maybe you're not good enough?

Have you ever had an experience where you felt like you're an imposter? Maybe you were having a conversation you felt unequipped for, or feeling that you don't deserve the success that you're experiencing. 

I've had a few conversations with our staff and clients around this just over the last week. They were feeling that they weren't quite good enough, or that they were letting somebody else down.

If you've had a similar experience, or felt a similar way, you're not alone.

We all feel like this sometimes. 

The first thing to start to realize is that it's a version of you feeling these things. The version of you at the age that you currently are. You didn't just wake up feeling like this out of nowhere - that's a belief that's 20 or 30 or 40 or 50 years old. 

Over time, you've made experiences mean that you're not good enough or you're not worthy. Why do we do this? Well, maybe you didn't get the acknowledgment or appreciation that you felt that you deserved at various points in time.

Who we are today is shaped by traumatic or negative experiences of the past.  It's been implanted in the back of our subconscious mind. And that experience plays out in our life. 

Through our teens and through adulthood… we attempt to get these experiences resolved. Scenarios keep playing out until we resolve them. In our marriages, in our relationships, in our interactions with our children and our staff and our clients. 

Most of us have experienced at least once in their life feeling like they were repeating the same mistakes, or getting into the same situations they didn't like. We never quite understand why. And we don't quite know how to shift it. 

The hardest part about shifting it is you're trying to shift an experience in the moment that happened at some point in the past. 

The thing is, if we're not addressing the experience from when it first happened in the past, we can never resolve it. Because we're trying to put a bandaid over something that's wounded far deeper than the surface level of our skin. 

And so the first thing is to ask yourself the question 'where did this first come from?'.

The moment that we start to challenge or question those emotions, those beliefs, we start to create a feedback loop that then creates new behavior. 

Let me tell you now, 99% of the time your feeling of inadequacy will relate back to an experience you had with your parents. 

Not because your parents don't love you. Not because they don't appreciate you. Not because they don't think that you're worthy. But something happened at a certain point in time that you made mean that you were inadequate. Or dumb. Or whatever.

Because nothing means anything… except for the meaning we place on it.

Think about it. If you ask two different people to explain a different event, they'll give two different answers, right?

Perception is everything. And it doesn't always get it right...

Until you address the old patterning that is holding you back, you're going to keep attracting situations to bring it to the forefront. 

Think about it like this. If you were to line up a six year old version of every single human being in whole of existence in one big row, and you look down that row, which one of those six year old versions is not good enough? 

None of course. So what makes you think YOU are?

Want some more help on your journey?

At The Game Changers, we help business owners to triple their profits and double their time off in 12 months or less by primarily working on beliefs and mindset - your 'inner game'.

If you'd like to find out more about how The Game Changers can help you and your business grow, increase your profitability, allow you to have more free time, and actually enjoying your business...  please click on the link below booking a time to speak to one of my team. 

We'd be more than happy to help and see if we can assist you to get there faster and more effectively than ever before. 




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