"If I had the choice, would I choose to follow this (emotion, pattern, habit) again?"


Thoughts, feelings and emotions are powerful and if not acknowledged or treated with the care that they deserve, they can sometimes become a powerful undercurrent that pulls you out into the deep unfamiliar waters of where you don't want to be...

Swept out into the emotional deep waters.  "OK…" I hear you say.  "That all sounds like something I have experienced before...but what does that mean, am I lost or doomed?"

If you're kind of nodding in agreement now, that's great because that's what being human is all about! We all have that in common, we've all most certainly had an experience in getting swept up in the emotion of a situation or scenario.  If you're agreeing, you are leaps and bounds ahead of the process - you're not letting the ego stop you from acknowledging where you are and you're ready to jump straight into the steps below.

Acknowledging your thoughts is where is all starts.  For all those who might be saying "no, that's never happened to me" that ok too and it is most likely a moment of the ego feeling empowered to be 'right.' Let it go, smile and keep reading.

Once you acknowledge where you are, you give yourself the foot in the door, an opportunity to notice a pattern, a habit or and emotional tide you once might have once followed. Once you notice it, breath and open up some space and ask yourself:

"If I had the choice, would I choose to follow this (emotion, pattern, habit) again?"

The Game Changers focus on creating more choice, more options on your menu. So in asking this question you can decide if you would choose to incorporate it in your life now and into the future. Could you reframe it or completely replace it?  We all have many beliefs and values, formed from a very young age to support us - we may be unaware of some and conscious of others, they exist all the same.

Our beliefs and values are always formed to be in support us, our environment and those around us, for our continued survival.  Yet, even if their intention was positive, beliefs can still be unuseful for us and our business.  Take a look at the following Six Step Reframe, we've developed a quick trick that will ensure you never get caught in those muddy psychological waters again.

First ask yourself;

What is great about this?

It's important to remember that everything in life has an Intended Positive Outcome (IPO).

This question is designed to open the mind to a range of positive outcomes that have been produced from a particular event and catch the IPO.  This firstly allows you to see future paths to move forward on an upward trajectory. Secondly it enables them to maintain an emotional balance and not be overcome by any seemingly problematic event.

What can I learn from this?

Failing to learn is learning to fail.  At The Game Changers, we believe that every experience obtained in our lifetime is an asset, it may not be obvious to you now. This question is designed to utilise all of these assets (experiences) that a person has and optimise the knowledge obtained from them.

What's not perfect yet?

This statement is a presupposition that outcomes will be perfect at some time in the future. It allows the mind to focus on building towards positive aspects rather than being hindered by negative ones. It gives an ability to create an action plan.

What are you willing to do to make things the way you'd like them to be?

Be specific. Take some time to think exactly about what you are willing to sacrifice to make things the way that you would like them to be. Comprehend how much the outcome means to you.  This will help you to put things in perspective and organise your personal priorities. Perhaps it will lead you to realise that the outcome of the event isn't very important to you after all or perhaps you will understand that it is truly career defining.

What are you not willing to do?

The Game Changers are focused on the creation of lifestyle businesses. There are some things in life that are more important than business, there are some things that simply shouldn't be sacrificed.  This question allows you to insure these important aspects of your life are not infringed upon by any given decision.

How can I enjoy the process?

There is not a single business person on earth that doesn't face some form of challenge.

This question will allow you to tackle issues in a way that suits you! And allows you to find in a way of doing things that you like! If you plan on having a successful business, it will be around for a long time, do you want to follow a process that you don't enjoy?


At The Game Changers 'The Six Step Reframe' is one of the tools we use every day to quickly transition business leaders into a way of thinking that can serve them.  If you're ready make a change to your business or thinking and you're seeking stable, sustainable and profitable growth CLICK HERE to book your complimentary 'Rapid Results Session' or send us an email at  action@the-game-changers.com.au

Barry Magliarditi is the Founder & CEO of Australia's leading coaching and consulting company The Game Changers, who focus on providing high quality coaching, education and consulting to businesses seeking stable, sustainable and profitable growth. Barry has experience coaching small to large companies; such as Yellow Brick Road and Businesses at The Entourage and is an expert at Scaling Business by 6,7 and 8 figures with Simplicity.





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