The Best Marketing Lesson from Aliens

The other day, I watched the movie Arrival.

For those who haven't seen it, here's the basic story - 

A bunch of aliens that look like massive 8 fingered hands land in ships around the world. 

Different countries work to figure out how to communicate with them to see if they were about to go all 'Mars Attacks' and laser-beam everyone into dust. 

All the countries work separately to figure out what to do…

...despite Amy Adams' central character pleading that working together was the best way to go.

The separation of information means that we silly humans miss crucial information, and nearly start an intergalactic war. (Which we'd definitely lose)

It got me thinking...

Each nation was working with incomplete sets of data. So they were making the wrong assumptions. 

They didn't know what they didn't know. And they made mistakes.

Why didn't they work together? 

Maybe they were afraid. Or too proud. Maybe they resisted help because they were used to figuring stuff out on their own...

...Or any similar reason we're not working together to help YOUR business right now.

You see...

While in business the stakes are perhaps not interplanetary-war high, there is still a lot at stake. 

Your livelihood, your staff's livelihood and so on.

Working with a group of like-minded people to achieve a common goal is the best way to move forward with minimal casualties. 

It also happens to be the basis of modern civilization... 

What do you think would happen if the great scientists of the world didn't share their findings? We'd all be dying of smallpox probably. Or stuck in an iron lung.

Working together works. 

That's why in The Opulence System™, the community shares information. Asks questions. Opens the lid on how they got great results. Pools findings together to help everyone succeed faster and easier than going it alone.

>> Click here to book a 15 minute chat to see if you're in 'the Goldilocks Zone' for the program. <<

And in our weekly group coaching sessions, we accelerate everyone's progress by learning and gaining insights from other members' experiences. 

When we work together, we succeed faster.

If you're curious about whether you're in 'the Goldilocks zone' and ready for coaching, get in touch. Use the link in my signature below to chat with one of my team.



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